Once you step into the web world, you will be exposed to a number of options for earning some capital online. A few of them include blogging money, YouTube earning, eBook revenues, Freelance sites like oDesk etc. Given a chance to choose two of the best options, I would definitely pick YouTube monetization and blogging. Because money looks lucrative and charming to people from here.
YouTube Earning as an Online Money Option
If you choose make online earning as your primary source of income, I would suggest you to take blogging as your option and get set go. Most people opt for this option probably because they are lured by the high CPC values of Keywords in blogging. But I feel there is no harm in considering YouTube as well. And sometimes YouTube can make you more than what blogging would do for you. So, if you are in the first phase of your strides in online earning world let us together check the potential and benefits of YouTube monetization over earning from blogs.
No domain and hosting money
The greatest benefit on YouTube is that you need not buy any domain or hosting here. You may easily make your online presence felt by the channel name itself. Your channel will be a kind of separate section on YouTube where user will see all the uploads and activities done by you. Now if you enable your settings, visitors will be able to see your interactions too. This is now a real cool way to get your content hosted by site which is among the world’s top 5 sites and whose servers are present in many locations around the world.
Earn on the very first day on YouTube
The most interesting advantage with YouTube earning is that you can earn from your video content on very first day itself. All you need to do is to simply make a YouTube account and upload a video. It can be a trip video; or how you made breakfast in the morning video. People have been uploading a lot of video and have also found success from nowhere. Think of the Charlie Bit My Finger. When Charlie’s father uploaded the video; he would have never thought this video will make him millions. Now Charlie Bit My Finger is not just a video but a brand.
AdSense Approval via YouTube is easy
Most Indian and other South Asian people have to wait for at least 6 months and more to get their Adsense account approved. But this is interesting. If you apply AdSense via YouTube or Blogger it becomes relatively easier. Though the AdSense will act as CONTENT HOST type, you can always add your blog or website to this account.
And when you upload your video, it will be available to billions of visitors of YouTube. If your video is catchy and something sensational it can certainly get you fame; and money. So, pick up your camera and shoot something now. A variety of software is also available which let you record your screen so that you too can come up with video tutorials easily.
To sum up, treat YouTube as a supportive platform for your online earning. Because, once your blog is all set to go, you can put the video tutorials of your blog posts on YouTube to earn some extra bucks. It will also benefit you by getting visitors who are not using Google as primary search engine and was beyond the reach of your site. You can also make tutorials on WordPress, hosting and other blogging or technical stuff. People also review gadgets on YouTube to get benefited from YouTube earning.
So, what do you think about earning via YouTube? Leave us your comments.
Akshay Agarwal
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